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Wharton Stories:
Wharton first-years helped pilot a new activity that familiarized them with Philadelphia and connected them to each other in a meaningful way.
Finding Camaraderie by Finding City Hall
Grace Gramins, W’26, finds harmony between music production and business.
Finding the Rhythm Behind Business Fundamentals
An immersive look inside Team Sailing, a Wharton Leadership Venture designed to foster team cohesion in a high-pressure environment.
Trimming the Jib and Other Ways to Think About Business
Personal experience and selfless family sacrifice led Tsion Bezabih, W’27, to create a nonprofit aimed at helping young people connect.
Bridging the Cultural Divide
Through the four-year consulting program at Penn, undergrads get real-time experience with startups almost from the minute they step on campus.
Making a Tangible Impact through Snider Consulting
Third-year Anthony Wright describes taking an Academically Based Community Service (ABCS) course that teaches West Philadelphia middle- and high-school students financial literacy
Wharton Field Challenge: Empowering Financial Futures
“As financial landscapes evolve and new economic challenges arise, the role of organizations like Common Cents becomes even more important”
Wharton student interns at Common Cents
Third-year Chuby Madu, along with fellow Wharton students, launched Crayon Politics, a student-run platform dedicated to providing Gen Z with easy-to-understand data to be more informed voters.
Crayon Politics: Simplifying Complex Policy for Young Voters
Sami Goel, W’25, balances her love for dance with her interest in business.
Making Moves
“Not only did I get to dip my toes into the world of high finance, but I also gained a community of individuals who provided me with new perspectives,” – Veronica Rubio, Wharton Academy student
New Wharton Academy Welcomes Undergrads from Around the World
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